Your Thoughts

I invite you to word some thought here. Perhaps a message or note on consciousness, sustainability, peace, justice, activism, transition or other…

5 thoughts on “Your Thoughts

  1. Easy brothers and sisters, I am stu, a friend of karizma and others. I am of the opinion that we are here to have fun and be nice.
    I think there are two places that we as individuals can reside, in the physical and non physical realms. I postulate that we are in the physical realm for most of our day and when we sleep we return/go to the non physical state. Now we can experience both of these states but usually they remain accessible to those who are either conscious(awake) or unconscious(usually asleep) what things are possible and even relevant in these different realms is currently hotly debated and up for discovery.

    I think the discovery and acknowledgement of these “different” realms is down to the conscious use of hallucinogens to induce states of heightened or shifted awareness. The idea that there is somewhere you can go (not in a physical sense) with the aid of a substance is quite extraordinary. Just the possibility of this opens the door to a potentially existence altering understanding of existence.


  2. Just starting the book ‘open minds’ and i love it so far. It is filled with wisdom and insight, a true depiction of inner and outer experiences. Thank you for this and weaving together some great knowledge to paint a great picture of the world.

    Much love and respect to you and all,

    We are ONE Love

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